SexPositive: 5 Women and NonBinary People on What it Means

Curious about the sex-positive scene in Oakland? We've gathered insights from 5 individuals who are shaking things up in the local community. From dismantling stereotypes to embracing pleasure, these voices offer a diverse and empowering perspective. Dive into their stories at and discover a new way to approach sexuality and self-expression.

In a world where the topic of sex and sexuality can often be seen as taboo or controversial, the movement towards sex positivity has become increasingly important. Sex positivity is about embracing and celebrating all aspects of human sexuality, without shame or judgment. It's about recognizing that everyone has the right to explore and express their sexuality in a way that feels authentic and fulfilling to them. To delve deeper into this topic, we spoke with five women and nonbinary individuals to get their perspectives on what sex positivity means to them.

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Embracing Self-Acceptance and Empowerment

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For many, sex positivity is about accepting and celebrating one's own desires and boundaries. Ruby, a 28-year-old nonbinary individual, explains, "To me, sex positivity means embracing all aspects of my sexuality, without feeling ashamed or judged. It's about recognizing that my desires and boundaries are valid and important, and that I have the right to express myself in a way that feels empowering to me."

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Similarly, 32-year-old Sarah shares, "Sex positivity is about embracing my own sexual agency and autonomy. It's about recognizing that I have the right to make choices about my own body and experiences, without fear of judgment or stigma."

Challenging Societal Norms and Expectations

Sex positivity also involves challenging societal norms and expectations around sex and sexuality. For 25-year-old Mia, this means "questioning and dismantling the harmful messages and stereotypes that society often perpetuates about sex and sexuality. It's about recognizing that everyone's experiences and desires are unique and valid, and that there is no 'right' or 'wrong' way to express oneself sexually."

Creating a Safe and Inclusive Community

For 30-year-old Aisha, sex positivity is about creating a community that is safe, inclusive, and affirming of all individuals' sexual identities and experiences. "It's about fostering a space where people can feel comfortable and supported in exploring and expressing their sexuality, without fear of judgment or discrimination. It's about recognizing and affirming the diverse range of sexual identities and experiences that exist, and creating a community that celebrates and embraces this diversity."

Promoting Consent and Communication

Consent and communication are fundamental aspects of sex positivity. As 27-year-old Emilia explains, "Sex positivity is about promoting a culture of enthusiastic consent and open communication in all sexual interactions. It's about recognizing that everyone has the right to set and communicate their boundaries, and that consent is an ongoing and active process that requires continuous communication and mutual respect."

Championing Sexual Health and Wellness

Sex positivity also involves championing sexual health and wellness for all individuals. For 29-year-old Harper, this means "advocating for comprehensive and inclusive sexual education, access to reproductive healthcare, and destigmatizing conversations around sexual health. It's about recognizing and affirming that everyone has the right to access information, resources, and support to make informed choices about their sexual health and well-being."

In conclusion, sex positivity encompasses a wide range of values and principles, all of which are aimed at creating a world where everyone can explore and express their sexuality in a way that feels authentic and fulfilling to them. By embracing self-acceptance, challenging societal norms, creating a safe and inclusive community, promoting consent and communication, and championing sexual health and wellness, we can work towards a more sex-positive and affirming society for all.